Continence Clinic
Incontinence – also known as “having accidents” – can be a frustrating problem for both parents and kids, and the UCSF Children’s Continence Clinic is here to help. We provide compassionate specialized care for children with bladder or bowel issues, such as daytime incontinence (wetting), bed-wetting, urinating too often or not enough, constipation or other stool problems, and urinary tract infections. These issues frequently occur in otherwise healthy children, though we always make sure to rule out any physical cause, so that we can recommend appropriate and successful treatment.
As part of complete care for kids with these conditions, UCSF created the Guide to Treating Your Child’s Daytime or Nighttime Accidents, Urinary Tract Infections and Constipation. This educational booklet helps families better understand their children’s bladder problems and provides tips to use at home before their first visit to our clinic.
Our locations (6)
Awards & recognition
Best in Northern California for urology
Ranked among the nation's best in 11 specialties
Plan your visit
What to Bring
- Photo I.D.
- Health insurance card
- Insurance authorization, if required
- Doctor's referral, if required
- Recent test results related to your child's condition
- List of medications, including dosages, plus any your child is allergic to
- List of questions you may have
- Device or paper for taking notes
Related clinics (3)

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Urology Clinic
Support services
Our research initiatives
UCSF Baskin Lab
The Baskin Laboratory investigates the causes of pediatric urological diseases present at birth or acquired later. The lab's research has a special focus on curing and preventing hypospadias, in which the urethra's opening is on the underside of the penis.
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