A medical evaluation performed by our international adoption pediatrician complements and expands on primary physician care.

We encourage you to bring your child to our clinic two to four weeks after arriving home. A few days of rest and familiarization allows your child to make an initial adjustment to his or her new home. Your visit to us will provide you with an effective medical baseline. Our medical exam and review includes:

  • Medical records
  • Social/medical history
  • Growth measurements
  • Full physical exams
  • Laboratory screening
  • Diagnosis of problem issues
  • Photo documentation of physical findings
  • Fetal alcohol syndrome screening
  • Recommended course of action
  • Referrals
  • Written report of findings, concerns, and treatment recommendations
  • In-person or phone consultation

This visit usually takes two to three hours. Our goal is to identity your child's potential challenges and to offer opportunities for early remediation. Some issues will be resolved during our consultation process, while others will require input from specialists and ongoing management by your primary care pediatrician. You will receive a logical "blueprint" in the form of a recommended treatment plan that you can share with your child's other medical caregivers.

Specific issue consultations

Consultations with an adoption pediatrician or pediatric neuropsychologist can help address specific concerns that arise at any point after your child is home. These concerns, identified by a parent, physician or educator, may relate to attachment, behavior, development, learning or any other issue.